Huntsman World Senior Games 2023
Felin Gebert
WinsOpponent - Click name for results | USATT # | Rating | Format | Event - Click event for draws and results | Scores |
Irina Klyuchkina | 1177037 | 754 | RR | Women's Singles 50-54 | 3,4,-8,6 | Sally Alexander | 1175891 | 296 | RR | Women's Singles 50-54 | -6,5,3,5 | Kenichi Matsuno | 1172829 | 1162 | RR | Singles 1200-1399 | 7,-8,8,-8,4 |
LossesOpponent - Click name for results | USATT # | Rating | Format | Event - Click event for draws and results | Scores |
Oana Tataru Hogrefe | 22789 | 1432 | RR | Women's Singles 50-54 | 7,6,8 | Dennis Keppen | 76520 | 1423 | RR | Singles 1400-1599 | 3,9,-9,7 | Jenny Urquiola | 217638 | 1422 | RR | Singles 1400-1599 | 10,6,-4,-9,9 | Yoko Wilcox | 89540 | 1210 | RR | Singles 1400-1599 | 5,16,-6,8 | Charlie Slater | 49802 | 1366 | RR | Singles 1200-1399 | 6,-7,13,11 | Todd Easton | 1182086 | 900 | RR | Singles 1200-1399 | -9,11,9,8 |