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2021 US Open Table Tennis Championships


Max Mouchinski

Opponent - Click name for resultsUSATT #RatingFormatEvent - Click event for draws and resultsScores
Max Rogers11670141843RRU-13 Boy's Singles10,7,5
Saicharan Vellanki265238959RRU-13 Boy's Singles11,3,8
Jiaqi Liu11737690RRU-13 Boy's Singles2,4,1
Ayush Badari2225091580RRU-1900 Junior RR-10,7,6,4
Nikhil Chawla2564121388RRU-1900 Junior RR8,-16,-3,8,7
Caillou Chen2703411732SEU-11 Boy's Team-3rd/4th-14,6,7,8
Yasin Musthafa2198881346SEU-11 Boy's Team-3rd/4th5,8,-8,5
Kyler Chen11675211958SEU-11 Boy's Team-3rd/4th7,7,5
Advik Pradhan2240721280RRU-11 Boy's Singles7,7,8
William Sun2305941110RRU-11 Boy's Singles6,5,6
Ewan Zhang264897243RRU-11 Boy's Singles6,2,10
Caillou Chen2703411732SEU-11 Boy's Singles-Quarters5,6,-9,4
Kef Noorani2178651946SEU-11 Boy's Singles-Semis4,9,-8,12
Kyler Chen11675211958SEU-11 Boy's Singles-Finals6,8,7

Opponent - Click name for resultsUSATT #RatingFormatEvent - Click event for draws and resultsScores
Patryk Zyworonek963072200SEU-13 Boy's Singles-Prelims5,4,7
Ben Zhang11654221644RRU-1900 Junior RR-7,8,-5,4,7
Horan Guo11737630RRU-1900 Junior RR7,5,9
Kef Noorani2178651946SEU-11 Boy's Team-3rd/4th-7,2,9,-10,6